How to Decrease the Risks of Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a disease that damages the optic nerve due to intraocular pressure. Patients with glaucoma may experience irreversible vision loss if left undetected or unmanaged. As a result, early detection is integral to managing the disease and decreasing the risk of irreversible optic nerve damage. 

Dr. Alabata and his team provide thorough eye exams and various glaucoma management and surgery options to help his patients fight the silent thief of sight. 

What Causes Glaucoma?

Glaucoma can be without cause, but several factors affect its development. The leading cause is intraocular eye pressure from a fluid called aqueous humor. If the fluid does not drain properly through the drainage canals between the iris and cornea, the fluid may build in the eye, damaging the optic nerve and causing glaucoma. In a large majority of cases, glaucoma is an inheritable disease. 

individual results may vary

How Can I Decrease the Risk of Vision Loss From Glaucoma?

Glaucoma damage is irreversible due to permanent damage to the optic nerve. There are several ways to lessen your risk of vision loss or developing glaucoma. 

Catch it in the Early Stages

Glaucoma is known as the silent thief of sight. Often patients only realize they have it after their vision declines. If you are at risk of developing glaucoma, or have parents, siblings, or relatives with glaucoma, please schedule regular, thorough eye exams that check for this potential blinding disease. 

If you treat glaucoma in the early stages, you may slow the progression. It is important to take your glaucoma medications exactly as prescribed. 

Be Careful with Steroid Medications

Taking steroids for long periods or in high dosages may raise your eye pressure and increase your risk. Talk to Dr. Alabata if you are taking any steroid medications to see if you are at risk. 

Eat Healthy to Stay Healthy

Green leafy vegetables and colored fruits, berries, and other vegetables provide essential minerals and vitamins that support your eye health. Eating fruits and vegetables offer better care than taking vitamins to prevent glaucoma. 

Exercise Carefully

Intense workouts may raise your eye pressure in some forms of glaucoma; however, brisk walks and moderate exercising lowers eye pressure and improves your overall health. 

Protect Your Eyes

Injury may worsen eye pressure significantly if the drainage canals are damaged. At Alabata Eye Center, we recommend wearing protective eyewear while participating in sports or yard work. 

Avoid Head-Down Positions

If you are at high risk of developing glaucoma, holding your head beneath your heart, such as in certain yoga positions, may raise eye pressure. 

Sleep Well

Sleeping in an ideal position may decrease your risk of developing glaucoma. We recommend avoiding sleeping with your pillow or arm against your eye. If you experience obstructive sleep apnea, please tell Dr. Alabata, as it may increase your risk. 

Protect Your Eyes From UV Rays

Recent studies have shown that UV rays may cause certain types of glaucoma. If you spend time outdoors, please wear high-quality sunglasses and a hat. 

Brush Your Teeth

Recent research shows a correlation between gum disease and optic nerve damage with glaucoma. We recommend practicing good dental care and seeing your dentist regularly.

Talk to Dr. Alabata About Blood Pressure Medication

If your blood pressure drops too low while you sleep, it may worsen glaucoma damage. If you experience low blood pressure symptoms, tell Dr. Alabata and your primary care doctor. Never change your blood pressure medication without your doctor’s permission. 

Request a Consultation

We’d love to help you get all the information you need in order to make the best choice for your eyes. Request a consultation today! Our staff is available and happy to answer your every question.

What Treatments are There for Glaucoma?

Alabata Eye Center provides various eyecare options to treat glaucoma. Over the years, treatments have advanced and proven effective in slowing vision deterioration, including MIGS and Durystaâ„¢

Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS) manages eye pressure by enhancing the outflow through the eye’s natural drainage system, moving the aqueous fluid to the outside of the eye, or decreasing the production of fluids. 

Durystaâ„¢ is a tiny implant that releases bimatoprost to increase the flow of aqueous fluid. The implant eventually dissolves and biodegrades into carbon dioxide and water but lasts several months. 

5 Very friendly, knowledgeable, informative. Great staff, beautiful new building.
Leigh P.

Take the Next Step and Protect Your Vision from the Damaging Effect of Glaucoma

To schedule your in-person Glaucoma consultation, call Alabata Eye Center at (850) 331-3937. A referral is not necessary. Thank you for trusting our professional services.

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